nyc causes

Gray Line New York & Walk For Lupus Now

On May 19th, Gray Line New York is proud to partner with the Lupus Foundation of America in support of Walk For Lupus Now®.  The walk, which has been successful in the past, hopes to raise $400,000 this year to provide life-saving research and support programs to those affected by this tumultuous disease.

In the month leading up to this event, we have wrapped one of our famous double-decker buses with a special message:

Lupus Bus

Making a difference starts with one step.

If you see the bus driving down the street, take a picture of it.  Share it on Facebook, tweet it with a message and a pledge to support the cause.  There are 1.5 million Americans affected by this disease today, and by spreading the word of Walk For Lupus Now®, you are helping.  This month, we are also letting our customers get involved.  Every time you purchase one of our tours online, you will be asked if you would like to make a donation to the Lupus Foundation of America.  This is your chance to by part of this amazing organization.

Walk For Lupus Now® will take place on May 19th at 10:00 a.m., but check-in for the walk begins at 9.  For more information on the Lupus Foundation of America or to find a Walk For Lupus Now® event in your area, please visit their website.

If you would like to book a tour and make a donation, visit